This is a blog about Swedish old school EBM. This blog focuses on newer bands that are influenced by the old ones, such as the godfathers POUPPÉE FABRIKK. If you are looking for EBM bands influenced by Hocico and Combichrist, you have come to the wrong place, leave and fuck off!
Die Jugend
måndag 25 oktober 2010
Bodyfest 2010, Familientreffen in Swedish version.
Spark! is a band on a strong march forward, both with theire "new sound" and signing to the Swedish label Progress Production.
It will be interesting to follow these guys future progress, a strong guess is that we will see a new release during 2011.
Autodafeh is a band that has been on the move for a few years, they have been very productive and they have been supportband for Front 242. In my book they have borrowed the Front sound. But this song No names is simple very good, the Bush sample and the sound brings you out on the dancefloor with a beer in your hand.
No Sleep by the Machine is one of the newer acts in the Swedish scene. I must say that it doesnt look and sound like that. They have a sound which brings you back in Belgium in the good old days. I think that the band has a bright and promising future in the EBM-scene. You must order theire new LP release,and do it soon, its limited.
Stockholm Wrecking Crew is a band from Stockholm. They are young and angry and on the move. They have theire inspiration in Punk/EBM.
As you can see in this video,
No Sleep by the Machine joined them on stage on drums.
onsdag 20 oktober 2010
The Ultimate Swedish EBM Sampler
As i told you the last time the sampler contains 14 tracks from the elite in Swedish EBM and some up-and-comers.
As you can see on the picture below bands such as Spetsnaz, Autodafeh, Container 90 and Dupont is on the sampler. My conclusion is that this sampler will be sold out soon, you should order your copy asap. This is the sampler that really shows how strong the Swedish EBM-scene is right now.
Get your copy today at the labels myspacepage:
söndag 10 oktober 2010
Swedish EBM - The Collection
Some info on the labels myspacepage:
Check out the picture below for info regarding band and tracks.
I will get back later regarding this with more info.
fredag 8 oktober 2010
Bodyfest the perfect Oldschool festival.
The lineup is great, or what?
Front 242
Pouppée Fabrikk
Tyske Ludder
Stockholm Wrecking Crew
No Sleep by the Machine
Four Swedish EBM bands at the same festival in Sweden, this festival feels like Familientreffen in Germany.
This night No Sleep by the Machine will release theire debut album on vinyl, check it out here:
No sleep by the machine
This night this vinyl 7 will be released also (Autodafeh, Hatbrott, Restricted Area and Container 90. )
Split 7 vinyl
The scene is strong and alive, go and support it now!
This is Swedish EBM!
This is a new blog, focus will be on the Swedish Oldschool EBM scene.
This is a list with all Oldschool bands:
Batch ID
Body Pleasure
Container 90
Kommando XY
No sleep by the machine
Pouppée Fabrikk
Stockholm Wrecking Crew
Sturm Café
Check the link below, (for all of you with facebook.)
Together we are strong.